Green New Deal Archives

Green New Deal Archives

We need a Green New Deal to fight climate change while tackling issues of justice and rising inequity. We need a Green New Deal that will: Phase out fossil fuels and transition the economy to 100 percent renewable energy.

Decarbonize transportation and expand access to affordable public transit.

Transition away from energy-intensive, polluting, inequitable industrial agriculture and build a healthy, just food system where organic is for all.

Ensure a fair and just transition, led by impacted workers and communities, including frontline, vulnerable, and indigenous communities disproportionately burdened by toxic pollution.

Uphold Indigenous rights.

Include a national jobs guarantee, creating good jobs with collective bargaining rights and family-sustaining wages for all workers, including farmworkers, that currently lack most federal labor protections.

The fossil fuel industry is polluting our environment, driving us to climate chaos, and harming our communities — all while reaping massive profits for its executives. But we have a historic opportunity to fight back by passing a strong Green New Deal! 

  • Oceans Stop the cruise industry from destroying the Arctic

The U.S. Climate Report and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report released in 2018 confirmed what we already know based on the extreme fires, droughts and hurricanes that have wreaked devastation on our country — the climate crisis is here.

At its root, the climate crisis is the result of an economic system based on ever-increasing consumption that exploits workers and communities and pushes the earth beyond its ecological limits. This system has turned human rights like clean air, clean water, and food into commodities.

We need to remake financial and economic systems so that they serve people and the planet, not the other way around. We cannot allow the vast political power of the fossil fuel or industrial agriculture lobbies to advance policies that continue our reliance on dirty energy and unsustainable food systems. We need a new model of environmental, social, racial, economic and gender justice that upends traditional power structures in order to build a future where everyone has access to wealth, equitable decision-making and safety.

We need a Green New Deal to fight climate change while tackling issues of justice and rising inequity.

Latest Blog Posts See All
Green New Deal for farming: Address climate crisis and revitalize food system
Green New Deal for farming: Address climate crisis and revitalize food system

Our agricultural system is so intertwined with the economic system that is causing the climate crisis that any Green New Deal will need to address how we produce and consume what we eat. That will require actions from combatting corporate consolidation to ensuring fair prices for farmers to supporting growers…

Nuclear power is not a viable solution for Green New Deal
Nuclear power is not a viable solution for Green New Deal

The Green New Deal resolution is a bold and necessary path forward to tackle the climate crisis. To be successful, it must leave nuclear power behind.

Role of carbon tax in Green New Deal
Role of carbon tax in Green New Deal

Climate change is a crisis that needs new thinking. For almost 30 years, the promise of cap-and-trade, carbon markets and faith in capitalism have generated a never-ending debate that has careened toward political inaction.

Latest News See All
Environmental groups demand Congress protect the right to organize unions

As organizations dedicated to a sustainable future, we believe that such a future must include fair treatment for the people and communities working to build a clean and thriving economy...

250+ groups call on House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis to heed Green New Deal

More than 250 groups today sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Chair Kathy Castor (D-Fla.) demanding the committee take additional proactive steps in line with a Green New Deal to avert climate catastrophe...

100,000+  People Demand a Green New Deal that Transforms Our Food System to Combat the Climate Crisis

Our current system of agriculture is one of the major contributors to climate change, but it’s also where we should look for transformative and just solutions.

Resources See All
  • Green New Deal Food & Ag Sign-On Letter
  • Green New Deal Sign-On Letter
  • Green New Deal Paper Petition