Resources Archive


Land Grabbing and Ecocide: How Bunge, TIAA, and Harvard Fuel the Destruction of the Brazilian Cerrado

A new report details how Harvard University, retirement fund manager TIAA, and U.S. agribusiness trader Bunge Limited are fueling land grabbing and ecocide in the Brazilian Cerrado.

Brief to Procter & Gamble Shareholders

Vote NO to the re-election of Jon Moeller, Angela Braly, and Patricia Woertz to Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) board of directors for leading the company’s inadequate response to a 2020 shareholder resolution calling for P&G to report on how it can eliminate deforestation, forest degradation, and human rights abuses from its supply chains.

Open Letter on Agra Astari Lestari

We the undersigned are writing to you regarding ongoing criminalization, human rights abuses, and land grabbing against local farmers, land and environmental human rights defenders, and communities by your palm oil supplier Astra Agro Lestari

Caught Red-Handed: Bunge and the Directors of Deforestation

The Brazilian Cerrado, known as the “birthplace of waters,” is the savannah with the greatest biodiversity in the world. This vast region is home to many communities of peasants, indigenous peoples, and quilombolas (Afro-Brazilian rural communities). But the relentless expansion of the soy industry is causing widespread ecosystem destruction and increasingly violent land conflicts between companies and local communities.  Two new reports from Friends of…

Meet the Financiers and Corporate Backers of Astra Agro Lestari’s Land Grab in Sulawesi, Indonesia

On the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi, one of the world’s largest palm oil companies has illegally grabbed t

Cashing in on Crisis: How the World’s Largest Investors Fuel and Profit from Climate Change and Border Militarization

These industries are responsible for increasing greenhouse gas emissions, widespread environmental destruction, and gross human rights abuses.

Brief to Shareholders of Bunge April 2021

Shareholders should vote in favor of Proposal 5 calling on Bunge to issue a report assessing if and how it could increase the scale, pace, and rigor of its efforts to eliminate native vegetation conversion in its soy supply chain.

Frontline Letter to BlackRock

As community leaders, environmental and land defenders, and civil society activists from around the world, we write to you today about your continued failure to recognize and respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant peoples, women, and local communities through your investments.

TIAA’s Accumulation of Farmland is Not Responsible

TIAA’s “Responsible Investment in Farmland” report series highlights the fact that in 2011 TIAA was one of a group of businesses that developed the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) Farmland Guidelines, which are supposed to guide ins tu onal investors who wish to invest in farmland in a responsible manner.

Forests and Human Rights: Principles for Asset Managers

BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has no clear policy on forests, land, and human rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities