Since 1975 Friends of the Earth has maintained a presence in the Paci c Northwest, covering a broad range of environmental issues.
Our Oceans and Vessels Program is keenly aware that until we wean ourselves off fossil fuels, we must ensure that the best available technology and practices are continuously updated to reduce the risks posed by their transportation, because the greatest risk of an oil spill is complacency.
This report from Friends of the Earth documents the transits between the Kinder Morgan oil terminal in Burnaby, British Colombia and the U.S. Oil and Refining Co. in Tacoma, Washington from 2010 to 2014.
The September 2016 report catalogues the current use of avgas by piston-engine aircraft (small propeller planes and some helicopters), the gaps in regulations and proposed policy solutions.
Conservation groups called on the Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to suspend offshore oil and gas activities in the Arctic Ocean.
This report examines the harmful impacts of short sea shipping in California and proposes ways to reduce them.
This report provides recommendations for minimizing the environmental risks associated with polar shipping.