News Archive


Lawsuit Seeks to Protect U.S. Waters From Ship Pollution, Invasive Species

WASHINGTON — The Center for Biological Diversity and Friends of the Earth sued the Environmental Protection Agency today for failing to finalize nationwide standards that would protect U.S. waterways from harmful vessel discharges. Today’s lawsuit notes that discharges of vessel ballast water originating thousands of miles away can carry invasive… Read More

Big Wins for Endangered Orcas in Defense Spending Bill

These new measures will give Southern Resident orcas and other marine mammals a better chance of survival in the Pacific Northwest. Read More

Lawsuit Launched to Protect U.S. Waters From Ship Pollution, Invasive Species

WASHINGTON — The Center for Biological Diversity and Friends of the Earth filed a notice of intent today to sue the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to finalize nationwide standards to protect U.S. waterways from harmful vessel discharges. These discharges carry invasive species, pathogens and other… Read More

Court rules on No Discharge Zone, blocking lingering Trump Admin attempt to allow vessels to dump sewage into Puget Sound

Decision upholds Puget Sound ‘No Discharge Zone,’ keeping ship & boat sewage out of water, key step toward restoring one of nation’s most important inland seas Read More

Lawsuit Aims to Protect Endangered Whales in California Shipping Lanes

The Center for Biological Diversity and Friends of the Earth sued the Trump administration today for failing to protect endangered whales from being struck by ships using ports in California. Ship strikes are a leading cause of death for blue, fin and humpback whales off California’s coast. Read More

Oil transportation in Rosario Strait Gets Safety Boost

A new measure to improve oil transportation safety will be implemented tomorrow in Puget Sound’s Rosario Strait, a critical habitat for the 72 whales of the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale community. Read More

Clean Arctic Alliance Hails Progress on Heavy Fuel Oil Ban But Warns Arctic Nations To Remain Focused

The Clean Arctic Alliance welcomes the progress made this week at PPR 6. Today, we are one-step closer to improving the protection of the Arctic, its people and wildlife. Read More

Groups Intervene in Federal Lawsuit to Protect Puget Sound No Discharge Zone

Today, Washington Environmental Council, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance and Friends of the Earth will intervene in a federal lawsuit against the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Read More

International Maritime Organization adopts key international routing and protection measures for Bering Sea

As climate change continues to alter the Arctic, it is imperative that Indigenous communities and practices are not threatened by large-scale commercial marine activity. Read More

U.S. Senators Reject Attempt to Weaken Protections from Aquatic Invasive Species

In a major victory for clean water, outdoor recreation, and local economies across the country, the U.S. Senate today rejected attempts to weaken Clean Water Act protections to prevent aquatic invasive species from entering U.S. waters through the discharge of ballast water. Read More