Resources Archive


Keep Finfish Free Act Fact Sheet

The Keep Finfish Free Act (H.R. 274) simply provides the opportunity for Congress to weigh in before allowing federal agencies to issue commercial permits.

Letter to President-Elect Biden on Industrial Fish Farming Executive Order

52 organizations call on President-Elect Biden to replace EO 13921 to support domestic, sustainable wild-capture fishing instead of industrial aquaculture development

US Army Corps of Engineers Sign-On Letter Regarding COVID-19

On March 13, 2020, the Executive Office of the President declared a national emergency, finding and proclaiming that “the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020.” Despite the ongoing crisis of lethal proportion, USACE seems to be conducting business as usual.

Petition for Judicial Review

Petition for judicial review of agency action and associated environmental review, regarding Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Comments on Kampachi Farms Permit

The EPA must address impacts to human health and the environment and endangered and threatened species, concerns regarding red tide, and threats from increasingly intense storms in the region.

Holmes Beach, FL Resolution Opposing Marine Finfish Aquaculture in Eastern Gulf of Mexico

Offshore aquaculture will put Florida's environment, beaches, marine resources and local economies at risk; therefore, the Holmes Beach Mayor and City Commission express its opposition to these activities.

Comments on FARTF Outline

The draft outline makes clear that the federal government’s current focus is on efficiency and predictability for aquaculture industry participants and investors.

Comments on Draft NSPFA Outline

The draft outline – titled “Ensuring Sustainable and Responsible Aquaculture Production in the United States” – fails to acknowledge the socio-economic, public health, and environmental problems associated with marine finfish aquaculture.

Velella Epsilon Offshore Aquaculture Facility

The proposed Velella Epsilon project is an offshore fish farm that involves the concentrated cultivation of finfish in net pens, pods and cages. These industrial ocean fish farms allow free exchange between the cage and surrounding ecosystem.

Joint Comments on NPDES Permit

For decades, the federal government has pushed to expand marine finfish aquaculture in federal waters, despite massive public opposition and negative global experiences with the industry, including but not limited to: farmed fish spills, parasites, disease, conflicts with marine life, use of antibiotics and other toxins, harm to wild fisheries and coastal economies, and the devastation of native wild fish stocks.