Assessing G20 and MDB International Energy Finance ahead of stop funding fossils pledge deadline
As an organization, Friends of the Earth United States (FoE US) submits the following comments in response to United Kingdom government announcement last year to end its financing for oil and gas projects overseas.
This issue brief is the second in a series analyzing OPIC’s policies and performance and providing recommendations for the DFC in its formative months and years.
This briefing aims to provide an initial assessment of whether the GCF is living up to its mandate. It looks at whether funds are being equitably disbursed, “country ownership” is being enhanced (encouraging devolved management rather than control by multilateral institutions), and vulnerable countries and communities are being targeted.
We are writing to express our dismay with the conduct of the July 2017 Green Climate Fund Board meeting, both in terms of process and treatment of civil society.
Statement recommending the Green Climate Fund Board does not approve accreditation applications of JICA and BTMU.
Letter to Green Climate Fund board regarding its approach to adaptation.
Letter to Green Climate Fund Board regarding transparency of funding proposal deliberations.