The release of live genetically engineered microbes in agriculture represents an unprecedented open-air genetic experiment.
Fact sheet on genetically engineered mosquitoes in Spanish
The EPA has approved the use of nearly 2 million genetically engineered mosquitoes in California, which will pose a risk to our health and the environment. You can help stop this by telling decisionmakers in California that our communities aren't for genetically engineered mosquito experiments.
California is poised to be the second state where genetically engineered (GE) mosquitoes are released, unless the public and California’s government officials demand otherwise. Earlier this year, half a billion GE mosquitoes were released in Florida.
Se planea que California será el segundo estado de Estados Unidos donde se liberarán los mosquitos transgénicos, a menos de que el público y los funcionarios del gobierno de California exijan lo contrario.
Les pesticides ont déjà été liés à toute une série de conséquences considérables et inattendues: ils nuisent à notre santé, déciment la biodiversité, provoquent des dommages au niveau des sols et des ressources en eau dont nous avons besoin pour produire l’alimentation d’aujourd’hui et de demain
Gene-silencing RNAi pesticides are virtually unregulated, both domestically and internationally, and therefore are on track to be commercialized without proper risk assessments or precautions
Oxitec has genetically engineered the Aedes aegypti mosquito, known to transmit tropical diseases like dengue fever, zika, and chikungunya.
Oxitec, una empresa de biotecnología, está cabildeando a niveles estatales y locales a Florida (FL) y Texas (TX) para que aprueben la liberación de al menos 500 millones de sus mosquitos transgénicos a estas comunidades.
This report, provides a scientific overview of the concerns with genetically engineered food animal experiments that are underway, and reveals the risks to human health, the environment and animal welfare.